There are many books and publications written about offshore tax planning but which are good and bad? How can you discern a good publication from a bad one? First you will have to spend certain amount of time and money reading such publications and then you will come to see differences between them and learn to discern good offshore publications from bad ones.
This web page has been written to ease the task of offshore tax planners in finding the right information at the right price. It reviews some of the offshore books and publications available on the market. We hope that after reading this page you will be able to avoid waste of your money on worthless publications.
First of all it should be noted that we review offshore literature from the point of view of an experienced offshore tax planner rather than a novice who only discovers the world of offshore. So if it is written that some publication does not contain useful information it doesn't mean that it's a bad publication. All we wanted to say by this is that this publication is bad for an offshore tax planner who is an expert whereas it could be good for a layman.
The first problem that we would like to bring up in this review is that the same information is repeated all over again in numerous books and publications. Writers of offshore books and publications apparently take pleasure in explaining to us basic concepts of offshore tax planning frequently using definitions borrowed from other publications.
The next problem that's most worrying to us is how those writers
write their books and publications. There is so much fluff in many publications
that one can read many pages until bits of rational and useful information are
encountered. Let us take for example one of the Scope publications (Internet:
From the book's title one might presume that it is devoted to explaining how to bank in silence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The main thrust of the book is directed at explaining how Big Brother is monitoring and controlling banking institutions of the world and then all over the book we are regularly reminded how bad the US government is because it taxes US citizens on their worldwide income and how rotten the US politicians are who are spending taxpayers money and thus raising budget deficit to new highs. This information could be good for a novice but professional offshore tax planner would not be able to extract any valuable information from the book.
It should be noted that we also encountered good and valuable publications that are indeed worth the money that we paid for them. These are two books written by Mark Nestmann "Asset Protection 2000" and "Privacy 2000". These books contain a lot of valuable concise information without giving too much space to expatiations. Professional offshore tax planner would find much useful information in these two books.
Here are the books and publications that we have already read their reviews. If you have any offshore publications to review that are not present on this page please contact us at gloffs at with your information and we will put it here.
Request to offshore publishers: Gentlemen. If you have released any new publications or books that you would like us to review on this page please don't hesitate to send them to us for review. However we must warn you that the review would be done from the point of view of a professional offshore tax planner looking for valuable information regarding offshore matters and we would strongly criticize any unprofessional publications written for laymen.
Here is a list of offshore publications
that we have already reviewed. Please go to the links provided below for subscribing
to the publications:
Practical International Tax Planning
written by Marshall J. Langer and published by the Practising Law Institute, 3rd
edition incorporating 1997 release.
Practising Law Institute, 810 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019-5818 USA
For more information Call (800) 260-4PLI or (212) 824-5710, or E-mail
Internet: Fax: +1 212
293 3053 The price of the book is US$175.00
Well, this is a valuable book full of various information on offshore tax planning. It's a kind of a well laid reference book with annual updates starting from 1997 release. However what we didn't like about this book is the following:
![]() | annual updates do not contain latest money laundering all crimes legislations so it is impossible to keep updated by only reading this book. |
![]() | the book is directed mainly at US tax practitioners with detailed analysis of how US laws treat offshore tax planning by US citizens. So a lot of information is pretty irrelevant for other nationalities, for example Russians. |
![]() | the book completely overlooks advanced privacy issues (banking passport, encryption, etc.) |
International Tax and Estate Planning written by Robert C. Lawrence III
and published by the Practising Law Institute, 3rd edition, 1996. The price of
the book is US$175.00
This book deals only with specific
questions that have very little to do with offshore tax planning as such
and it was designed only with a US tax practitioner in mind. Mostly this book
deals with estate tax planning techniques in the US. So it is useless for other
nationalities. Active tax avoiders and evaders would not find any good
information in the book.
Spencers Offshore Companies and Their Uses written by B.M.
Spencer-Higgins LL.B (Hons) Barrister Grays Inn and published by ISH Legal &
Business Publications C/o The SCF Group, Scorpio House, 102, Sydney Street,
London, SW3 6NJ
Fax order line: +44 171 873 9688 The price of the book is US$148.95 Website:
This is an excellent
E-mail: scopemail@compuserve
Privacy 2000,
1st edition written by Mark Nestmann and published by the Scope International
230, Peppard Road, Emmer Green, Reading, Berks, England, UK
Tel: +44 118 9463 419 Fax: +44 118 9483 450 The price of the book is US$100.00
E-mail: scopemail@compuserve
This is a valuable source of information for offshore tax practitioners as well as for those who are concerned about their privacy. Lots of useful information regarding privacy issues. There is only one drawback: Appendix B containing US government reporting forms that take about 120 pages. We are not happy about paying for costs of printing US government reporting forms that could easily be obtained elsewhere on the Internet free of charge. We believe that Mark Nestmann, author of this book should no longer make his readers pay for inclusion of US government reporting forms in his books.
Banking in Silence, 3rd edition written by Dr WG Hill and published by the Scope International. The price of the book is US$100.
This book has been written for laymen and
beginners. It hardly contains any useful information for offshore tax
practitioner. The book is not worth $100. Period.
PT2 4th edition written by Dr WG Hill and published by the Scope
The price of the book is US$100.00
We didn't like this book because it was
written for laymen and only explains PT philosophy. US$100 is too expensive for
this publication.
The Passport report 11th edition written by Dr WG Hill and published by
the Scope International. The price of the book is US$100.00
This is a good book that we think is
indeed worth $100 paid for it. It contains a lot of interesting information about second
passports. This book is worth $100.
The Tax Haven Report, 4th edition written by Adam Starchild and published
by the Scope International. The price of the book is US$100.
This is a good book but the price is too high. It's a rip off. Take for instance "Offshore companies and their uses" and compare with this book and you will understand why we call it a rip off. $40 would be more appropriate price for this book.
The Wealth Report, 1st edition written by Adam Starchild and published by the Scope International. The price of the book is US$100.00
Well this book has very little to do with offshore tax planning, so we can hardly criticize or praise it. What is obvious to us here is that US$100 is too expensive for a book containing only 100 pages. There are many less expensive publications containing similar information.
The Computer Privacy Report, 2nd edition written by Dr WG Hill and published by the Scope International. The price of the book is US$100.00
This book has become obsolete because of rapid changes in telecommunications technology. So there is no point in reviewing this book..
The Offshore Money Manual, 1st edition written by Robert E. Bauman, Esq. and David Melnik, Q.C. and published by the Scope International. The price of the book is US$100.00
This 1999 edition of the book contains lots of useful offshore tax planning information and even a pocket directory of offshore connections enumerating recommended banks, attorneys and other offshore professionals in major offshore jurisdictions of the world. We believe that this book is an excellent product at the right price.
The Tips and Traps of Going Global written by Jon Golding and published by the Scope International. The price of the book is US$32.00
This is a good publication for someone who is thinking about going offshore. We can't criticize or praise it because it has very little to do with offshore tax planning or privacy.
The Tax Free Car Report, 6th edition written by Dr W G Hill. The price of the book is US$100.00
Well, this book has nothing to do with offshore tax planning, so we won't be criticizing or praising it.
The Austria & Liechtenstein Report. 3rd edition written by Dr Reinhard Stern. Price US$100.00
This book is outrageously expensive. $100 for general information about Austria and Liechtenstein? It's a rip off. The book contains only about100 pages. It's a waste of money.
The Isle of Man Report. First edition. Published by the Scope International. Price: US$100.00
This book is outrageously expensive. $100 for general information about the Isle of Man? It's a rip off. The book contains only about 80 pages of rather general information. It's a waste of money.
The Worldwide Maildrop Guide, 1st edition. price: US$50.00
Well, it's just a reference book but we think that it's price is fair considering the effort it took compilers of this book to collect the best mail drops in the world.
How to Use Swiss Banks for safety, privacy and global profit. Price:
The price of this book is quite fair considering the amount of information that it contains. It tells you everything about Swiss banking without a need to consult an expensive lawyer.
Asset Protection 2000,
published by Mark Nestmann
Price of the book:
This book is an excellent source of information on asset protection. Mark Nestmann is indeed one of the best privacy and asset protection experts in the world. A must read for everyone interested in learning more about asset protection techniques.
Mutual Fund Investor
US$130 per year
It's a monthly publication providing investors and institutions with mutual fund performance data, insider trading strategies, statistics on global financial markets and market commentary. We won't comment on this publication since it has nothing to do with offshore tax planning. However we think that GMFI is a good investment newsletter.
Offshore Outlook
Price: US$190 per year
Offshore Outlook is a monthly publication with detailed information about offshore financial industry. However we think that a lot of information that this publication contains could be found elsewhere on the Internet free of charge. Also it must be noted that Offshore Outlook ceased to publish any new material since January 1999.
Sovereign Society
price: about $200 per year
Sovereign Society magazine is rather expensive in our opinion. $100 per year would be a fairer price. Almost every issue of the Sovereign Individual issue contains more than 50% of information that is of no use to an offshore tax planner. If you are looking for a publication in search of specific information on asset protection and privacy issues you'd better look elsewhere. Subscription price also entails membership in the Sovereign Society that goes with some obscure membership benefits. This review is written from the point of view of a professional offshore tax planner who is not interested in paying money for membership in various organizations. We are only looking for specific information without any slick presentations of member benefits or platitudes like "joining a small group of like-minded individuals who have banded together and created a new concept of society". We are not looking for moral justifications of "going offshore". We only need basic concrete information without lots of fluff and political deliberations that this publication contains. In short it is a good publication but $100 would be a fairer price.
Offshore Entrepreneur
Price: US$60 per year
This electronic publication is written with a layman in mind. Therefore it hardly contains any information useful to an offshore tax planner. Besides we are particularly infuriated by the "Mailbag" section which it seems was written for imbeciles.
price: $120 per two years
Freebooter is available in printed as well as in electronic format. This newsletter is undoubtedly worth its subscription price because it often contains information that's hard to find anywhere else. Of course it must be noted that this publication is devoted to privacy and asset protection issues rather than offshore tax planning. However privacy issues go hand in hand with offshore tax planning. Therefore this publication is highly recommended.
of subscription: $30 per year
This publication is available in electronic format. Considering its low price and entertaining value we think that it's a good publication. However you will hardly find any tax planning information in this publication.
"The Q" published by the Quester Press
Price of subscription US$150 per year
This is a good publication devoted to privacy and asset protection issues. However we think that $100 per year would be a fairer price for this publication. Questerpress also makes this publication available in electronic format at reduced price which we believe is a better value for money. The only drawback that we would like to mention is that quite often a lot of space is taken by rather long paragraphs about for example referendum in Australia and other expatiations. Since this publication is owned by former chief editor of the Scope International Mr. Richard Cawte the reason for this peculiarity becomes obvious.
Secret Banking
77 easy ways to open an offshore bank account without paying a middleman by John Goodfellow
Price: $50
Do you know how many pages this
report contains? Just 9 pages! $50 for 9 pages!!! Isn't it outrageously
expensive?! Yes, it is. I never thought that someone could be that smart to
write a report containing Internet links on banking resources and sell it at $50
in electronic format! The author of this report just collected Web links in his
report. I think that a fairer price for this report could be somewhere in the
vicinity of $15-20.
Some members of the Readers Circle will soon send us their reviews of the following books and publications:
Offshore Finance USA
Offshore Financial Services Handbook
Forbidden knowledge
Internet Offshore Entrepreneur
The "Q" files
Tax Havens Encyclopedia
The Bumper book of bank applications
Offshore Red